Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Serving as a Holocaust education center על טהרת הקודש, within the framework fashioned by the precepts of Halacha as well as the ethos of Torah Hashkafa.
Functioning as a facility for teaching the history of the Holocaust and the lessons to be learnt therefrom.
In doing so, focusing special emphasis on the spiritual and moral dimensions to the Holocaust; in particular:
Conveying the grandeur of the vibrant, richly-tapestried life of Torah-observant Jewry in Europe, which preceded the Holocaust, and was so tragically destroyed by it;
Transmitting an appreciation of the spiritual and moral heroism, constituting lofty kiddush Hashem, evinced by so many of our brethren who, despite experiencing horrors of unprecedented nature, in conditions well beyond the limits of human endurance, retained their unshakeable faith in Hashem and the eternity of the Jewish people, and steadfastly maintained their adherence to the Torah practices and traditions with which they had grown up and been imbued;
Engraving on the human consciousness the towering personalities of the saintly Jewish leaders, of blessed memory, so many of whom perished during the Holocaust, whose lives of piety and purity continue to serve as a source of inspiration and example to Jews in every corner of the globe to this very day, and whose brilliant and luminous teachings are studied and absorbed as standard sources in halls of Jewish learning wherever the thirst for knowledge and wisdom pulsates in Jewish hearts and minds, and to convey, and help absorb, their teachings on the lessons inherent in the test of faith represented by the Holocaust, as well as in the rebuilding of Jewish life in the post-Holocaust era;
Illustrating the miraculous resurgence of the Torah world, in the post-Holocaust era, and the extraordinary rebuilding of Torah communities and institutions, all the while maintaining continuity, through profound links with, and deep roots in, the pre-Holocaust world that was destroyed.
In carrying out this Mission, and achieving these objects, the Kleinman Family Holocaust Education Center will strive to target the widest possible audience, in all age groups, but with particular attention being paid to the young generations, who are furthest removed temporally from the events of the Holocaust, and who are therefore least knowledgeable about it, but who represent the future.